Home   The Types of Snatch | Olympic Weightlifting

The Types of Snatch | Olympic Weightlifting

In weightlifting, the snatch is a difficult move that needs accuracy and skill. Because lifters have different body types and skills, it’s important to know that there is more than one way to do the snatch. This video looks at three different ways to do the snatch and talks about what makes each style unique.

1. The European Style

In this style, athletes put their shoulders just above the bar, their hips a little below their knees, and the barbell close to their shins.
For the second pull, athletes make sure their arms stay straight, their knees come under the bar, and their shoulders stay right above the barbell or even behind it for some. This style focuses on power and technique.
Receiving Position: Athletes should keep their shins and spine straight, their arms straight, and their shoulders in a normal position (without turning or rotating inward too much). During the lockout, elbows get more attention.
The European style is characterized by its focus on power and technical accuracy. When athletes use this style, they show a lot of power during important stages like the second pull and transition. Most of the time, they have strong power exercises and can do 85 to 90% of their 1 rep max in full snatch or clean. This makes them great at power snatch and power clean movements.

2. Asian Style (No Foot Style)

Start Position: Athletes who use this style usually put their shoulders in line with or just behind the bar, and they put their hips lower than their knees to focus on leg strength more.
Second Pull: The arms stay straight and the knees come under the bar during the second pull, just like in the European style. But athletes who use this style often keep the load very close to their legs.
Receiving Position: In this position, the shins and spine should stay straight, and the elbows should be in a normal position. The athletes do an extension that is smooth and controlled, moving at about the same speed from the ground to the finish.
Characteristics: The Chinese style focuses on making the body strong, especially the legs. When athletes use this style, they keep their speed steady throughout the snatch and look confident when they touch the barbell.

3. The Bull Snatch Style

Start Position: Athletes who use this style put their hips higher and their shoulders over the bar slightly. This style is meant to make you use your hips and upper body strength more than your legs.
Second Pull: Athletes focus on using their hips and upper bodies during the second pull. In the power position, they like to land on their hips and keep their knees straight.
Receiving Position: Athletes who use the bull snatch style have a unique receiving position in which the chest and head lean forward more and the barbell is placed a little farther to the back. The shoulders are turned inward.
Athletes who use the bull snatch style have amazing upper body strength. They are great at muscle snatches, push presses, tight presses, and any other exercise that involves upper body strength. They often have stronger upper bodies and do well in deadlifts, but we don’t see them go above and beyond in squats very often.
In conclusion, each method of snatching has its own benefits. It’s important for players to find a style that works with their skills and body type. To improve your success and reach your goals, you need to change and improve your method. Please let us know in the comments which style speaks to you or if you have a method that works best for you. If you want to become a wrestler, you need to find and improve your style. Thanks for reading this. Here is the link to the full video version, which you can watch if you want to.

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