Home   Space is what makes the body move

Space is what makes the body move

The body works as a well-tuned system and has every movement synchronized. All systems work together to complete any seemingly simple action. Any action he does is a distribution of pressure, tension, and vibrations throughout the body to be as efficient as possible from an energetic perspective. All the body does is make energy consumption more efficient for a better survival rate.

To be able to transfer energy, the body needs space. Each breath we take increases space while each exhalation decreases space. This is called compression and expansion and is the most common element in the body. Our lungs expand when we inhale, blood vessels compress when they vasoconstrictor, and expand when they vasodilatation. When muscles contract they compress and expand when they stretch. Practically every movement we make is made up of compression and expansion.

Compression is the reduction of a volume while the internal pressure increases = increasing the force

Expansion is the increase of a volume while the internal pressure decreases = variability in movement.

Now, take the two elements and apply them to the exercises in the gym.

Any concentric movement is a compression while any eccentric movement is an expansion.

You need space (expansion) to be able to access spaces as easily as possible, in other words, to have better mobility. At the other extreme, you need compression to produce force. The gym is about strength and compression as much as it is about space and mobility.

The two work together and not separately, the sport you do dictates how much compression or expansion you do.

For example, weightlifting is about compression but also about expansion. You need mobility to be able to access positions such as the clean, snatch, or front squat. Things cannot be “forced” in the hope that you will someday be able to access certain positions. On the other hand, if you can positively influence certain areas (shoulder, pelvis) with the help of certain exercises, things can change radically.

For this reason, the constructed mobility program comes to help you when we talk about the mobility part in sports.

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