What is Block Power Snatch?
Block power snatch is a variation of the power snatch in weightlifting. The power snatch is a dynamic, full-body exercise that involves lifting a barbell from the floor to an overhead position and catching it above parallel. In the block power snatch, the athlete begins by lifting the barbell from a raised platform, called blocks, rather than from the floor. This allows the athlete to focus on specific areas of the lift, such as the second pull and can be a useful tool for developing power and technique.
Purpose of Block Power Snatch
The purpose of performing block power snatches is to improve strength and technique, as well as to develop power in the lower body and hips. It can also be used as a tool for building explosive strength and conditioning.
Programming Block Power Snatch for Weightlifting
To program block power snatches into a weightlifting routine, it is important to consider the athlete’s current strength levels and training goals. Beginners may benefit from starting with low to moderate volumes and gradually increasing over time as they become more comfortable with the movement. More experienced athletes may be able to handle higher volumes and intensities. It is also important to consider the athlete’s overall training plan and to incorporate block power snatches in a way that complements their other training sessions.